‘Summer is Coming’ huge success

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by Ryan Hayes

Last Saturday, the recently formed Louth Filmmakers Society put on their ‘Summer Is Coming’ fundraiser. Marketed as a ‘Night of Film and Music’ in the Spirit Store venue, the society managed to deliver that and more, pulling in a strong and spirited crowd.

Kicking off the night, a selection of films were shown, starting with a number of final year student films from DKIT and moving onto short films, monologues and music videos, some of which the society members themselves had a hand in. These included the music video for local musician, Alice Robinson’s latest single, ‘Rise’, as well as the directorial debut of society member, John O’Hanlon and local writer, Olof Berg.

The night featured such local legendary music acts as Alice Robinson, Elephant, MC Wick; with accompanying DJ, DJ Conzerelli, and ending with Jinx Lennon, who each delivered a roaring set that took the evening into the tight hours of the morning.

General Manager of the Spirit Store, Dearey, said ‘It was an excellent and very successful night. I was very happy with it. I have never seen it in the spirit store. It was the first time that I saw people still coming in and buying tickets at 11pm.’

The Louth Filmmakers Society have said that the fundraiser was a huge success and they thank all of the acts and filmmakers who were featured, as well as everyone who turned up to support their local artists.

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